Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Week 1 - 8:30 pace where art thou?

16 weeks away from CMM! Wow, I am having a hard time visualizing my body making it 26.2 miles. Sunday was a rest day. It's a good thing - I stood on my feet in little pointy boots TOOO long Sat night in N'ville. So, yesterday was a 6 mile run. Believe it or not - I got to enjoy this in 70 degrees on Jan 7! No joke! OMG... it was blissful! It was awesome running in shorts and a tank in January! I kind of had a hard time though. Legs felt like they weighed 50lb each, heartrate was high, and attitude was struggling! I ran from East Middle to King's Ridge, to Country Club and made an extra loop through another couple of neighborhoods for 6 miles in 53:55 for an 8:59 pace. And I was shocked I did a sub-9 min run!!! I woulda settled for a 10 min pace!!! I noticed some tightness all through my calves, shins and achilles mainly. Last night I did about a 10 min stretching routine which alleviated it immediately. I am really lazy about stretching. But I dont think I should be anymore!!!!

This morning my plan says to ride my trainer for an hour. Alarm goes off at 5:50... and I'm not feeling it. Snooze..... 9 minutes later..... BLAH BLAH BLAH (some loud music) Hmmm... SNOOOOOZE!!! I finally start coming to my senses and realize I have a choice to make. I can lay there and stay snuggled up to my precious little Hattie-girl..... or I can jump up and cross-train like my plan suggests. I finally decide to go ahead and ride the trainer. Boy did I ride it! I worked up the best sweat yet! This time I did the whole thing in a harder gear. 1 hour mountain bike interval dvd, brewed up some drip. While the drip was festering I threw down right there in the kitchen floor and did 3 sets of pushups. I jumped in the shower, headed to work....... and man did I feel like a million bucks!!!

I love it when I DO what I say I'm going to do. I love to conquer the evil one and get in a great workout and get my day started right!

Tonight I'm packing for Lake Tahoe, and cleaning my house to have things in order for the best dog-sitter in the world - my wonderful mother :-) Hattie sure is lucky to have someone who loves her watching after things.

Looks like I've got a 10 mile run on the schedule for my long run this week. Ouch. I hope I prove myself wrong and bust it out!!! Cause my last two runs haven't felt too hot.


Lisa said...

Did you do the country club hills? They can be pretty challenging when you haven't hill trained in a while. I'm blaming them for my fall hip issues. :P

Have fun in Lake Tahoe!

Bethany said...

Glad you are stretching!! You know I don't can't go without stretching :) You are doing great so far...Get through this week and you will be super pumped for the rest of your training. Have fun on the slopes!!!