Well, it's new year's eve! Why am I blogging at 6pm on NYE? Hmmm...Well, I'm getting a late start ringing in the new year I guess. I've been lazy all day! Yesterday I got up and made it to church... Wow! What an uplifting service! That was good for the soul. I came home & straightened my house up and K came over. We headed to the boro and had a late late lunch at Toots, then headed on over to Dick's Sporting Goods. He got a pair of $100 ski pants for $38! YES! I love bargains. And I took the gift card my aunt, uncle and cousins gave me for my b-day and used it on a ski jacket I've had my eye on for about 2 months. It is a SPYDER and I LUV it! Then we went to Binks but didn't make a purchase. They don't have anything on sale like the rest of the retail world. They'll learn one day! :-)
We headed home and my mom called and said my aunt Dana had made me a batch of peanut butter balls and she had them and was also about 5 miles behind us on the interstate. Oh wow! These things are off the hook delicious! I can't stay out of them. They are very addictive!! I think I am popping a PB ball about every 10 minutes at least. So, K and I watched college football and an auction for a mountain bike on ebay. We went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, came back and did nothing but pop PB balls and watch more college football.
Around 4pm I headed to town to run 6 miles. Mile 1 running up jail hill was exactly 9 minutes. I just knew I was going to cough up about 4 PB balls on the sidewalk. I felt so full......... my stomach was holding pinto beans and corn bread and numerous PB balls. Man, could I tell!!! It really made me feel terrible. First 3 miles took about 26 minutes. I finished out the 6 miles in 51:10 for once again an 8:31 pace. How am I doing that? I have no clue. I know on my way back for the last 3 miles each time I looked at Mr Garmin he told me I was averaging between 8:10 and 8:40 miles. Oh well.... I'll take it. I've got to slow down on the PB balls.... I look like I've already gained 5lb.
Marathon training starts next week. I am nervous just thinking about it. I am afraid I'll go out for a long run and just not make it and I'll be down and out. I hope K & I hit the mountain bike trails again tomorrow to ring in the new year. If not, I'll have my butt on the trainer for an hour. Not sure what we're doing tonight..... no big plans or anything so we'll just see if anything comes up.
Happy new Year to all bloggers!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/31/2007 05:57:00 PM
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Back on the Trails & No Crashes!
This morning at 7am I met K, Phillip, Steven, Brent, Cole, Ortner, John, & John's dad, Gary at the AEDC Saddle Club mountain bike trails! Yep that's right... I'm the only girl! It was cold!!! 34 degrees! I get so stressed out when I even think about mountain biking. I made my last right hand turn onto the road for the trail and just honestly thought I would pass out my heart was beating so fast and I was so nervous! I haven't mtn biked since July.... and my skills were totally lacking then. I've had some pretty bad crashes before... and it has kinda scarred me. I mean, nothing where I've broken any bones or done any real damage - just broken skin and bruises!
We took off on the trail & I volunteer to bring up the rear. These guys are going to hammer - NO DOUBT! I am most comfortable there - I guess I have no confidence. That way if I wreck I'm guaranteed to not get smashed by another rider behind me! It's called 'Eliminating further damage.' :-) Well, we make it through the first 5 miles in about 47 minutes - NO CRASHES! I'm feeling a little more at ease now. Ortner wasn't feeling so hot... he felt like he could have possibly had a stomach bug. We were at a point where he could have easily gotten back to his car. So finally Steven says "Ortner! You goin with us or headin back?" Ortner releases a HUGE burp and says "I'm goin w da BOYS!!!" So it was ON! We head on across the road to the lake section - man it was slick over there! We just got a really good rain yesterday. This section is a little over a mile and then across the road back to the other trails. It got pretty technical here(technical for a girl)... and some climbs that had my heart STOMPING to high heaven! My legs were burning and I was breathing hard! We stop again right around 8 miles or so. And guess what.................... STILL NO CRASHES! YAY!
We take off again and everything was still going well. I can tell I'm getting a good workout because all the sudden I start feeling hungry! I was enjoying myself.... I got some confidence and trained myself to look ahead instead of turning the corner and flying up on a technical section out of control and slamming the brake. Gary was kind enough to stay with me for most of the ride while the rest of the fellows hammered it out probably a half mile ahead. Right around mile 11.5 I spot Gary's gray sweatshirt on the trail and I see that the trail is going to come out on a fire road soon. I'm hoping he knows I'm not going to have any clue which way to turn from here. He must have assumed I knew..... he was no where to be found. I ride a little ways down the road...... no Gary. I stop and unclip to see if I can hear a bike and follow my ears.... no sound. Nothing. Ugh-oh... I'm lost. You've gotta be kidding me.... I've stayed with them the whole way and with 2 miles left I'm lost? 4-letter word! I take off back the other way where I came from hoping someone has realized I'm lost and coming to get me. NOPE! Not a soul in sight! So I wonder if maybe they are all at the end of the fire road waiting... I take off and the next thing I know I'm back to the main hwy that can take me back to my car. I have two choices - I can try to jump back on the trail and guess which inlet I need to take........ or I can go the way I know is back to my car. I choose to decline the unknown and go for the known :-)
So I get back to my car and my computer reads that I've read about 13 miles. I waited for several minutes on the crew to come back but they didn't. I loaded my bike up, took some of my gear off, changed shoes.... still no one in sight. I was getting cold. I thought "I hope they're not out there looking for me." Then I remembered that they probably haven't even looked back since we were so close to the end... and when they see my car is gone from the parking lot, they'll know I'm ok. So, I headed on home. K called me in a few and I told him I was fine. I am feeling pretty bad that I didn't just hang around in the parking lot for the rest of the bunch to get back. That could have been the wrong decision on my part..... I think from now on if that happens I'll wait. I'm not sure that was good mountain biker etiquette :-/
I had a great ride & a great workout! No CRASHES! There were a few close ones.... but never went down! I'm sure I will be very sore just from working different muscles. It was worth it though!
Total Ride Time: 1:31
Average Speed: 8.1mph
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/29/2007 12:13:00 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Crazy 8?!
I finally got my butt outta the house today and took in some fresh air. 8 miles of fresh air. I drove to the rec center (the dogs out here by my house are viscious!)On my way I said "I'll try 7." Then I got outta my car and thought "5 would be real good too, ya know." Then I felt pretty strong on my first mile - climbing jail hill and checking my pace after mile 1 was 8:50. Hmmm.... not too bad... maybe I can push onto 7? Keep in mind the last longer run than 5 that I did was on Thanksgiving - 6.2 miles.... at a really slow pace & felt HORRIBLE! Since TG, I haven't run more than 5. I feel ok at 3 miles... and think "Heck I would be real proud of myself if I go 8 instead of turning around at 3.5 and just making it 7." So I keep going past 3.5 miles and when the garmin beeps at 4 I turn around, challenging myself to 8 miles. Well, I did it! I really started feeling pretty tired around mile 6. At mile 7 I was really glad I only had 1 more to go! I finished in 1:08:10. I calculated that on my pace calculator......... and holy smokes! That was an 8:31 pace! How in the world did I do that? Beats me....... but I'll TAKE IT! I tried to imagine myself doing 8 miles two more times plus 2.2 more....... it literally seems IMPOSSIBLE to me.
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/27/2007 11:50:00 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Back in the Saddle!
Wow! I sure did have a wonderful Christmas. I feel so blessed. I got to spend time with all my favorite peeps, received way too many gifts and ate way too much food! K came over Christmas Eve night and we exchanged gifts. He got me a trainer for my bike! YAY! He also gave me a sterling silver necklace and earring set that is the shape of a road bike, another necklace that is the shape of a road bike and a beautiful AWESOME lead crystal with a road biker etched in so that it is 3-D and can be viewed from all sides!
It is so cool and I love it! I also got a super neat magnet for my fridge - it is a mountain bike! I finished up wrapping presents and cooking and we just chilled for the night.
Christmas morning we went to his family Christmas and had breakfast & opened gifts. Then we went to my family's Christmas! My parents always do way too much. And wow! What a dinner!!! Turkey, ham, dressing, sweet potatos, green beans, red potatos, corn, brocoli/cauliflour salad, cranberry sauce, rolls and more! I rode my trainer yesterday for the first time. I love it! I did a 1 hour mountain bike video that consisted of lots of speed intervals. So, that is the first time I've been on my bike since Oct 20. It felt good to be back in the saddle!!!
Here are some pics. Some were taken with my new digi camera that my parents gave me for Christmas!
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/26/2007 07:00:00 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
I Prayed...... and Then I Clicked The Button!
K & I went out with some of his friends last night to London's. I played my first ever game of shuffleboard. Pretty fun! Among this group of friends, we found a marathoner named David. David just completed the Memphis marathon a few weeks ago and was encouraging both of us to do CMM. My mind has already been made up about CMM. K is still battling through it in his head. I really think he'd feel much better if he just goes ahead and signs up. Sometimes trying to decide on something like that is harder on you than just taking the plunge.
This morning I'm sitting here at work with ZILCH to do on Christmas Eve.... I realize there are 7 days until a price increase for CMM. I decide I'm going to see if my coupon code works but not sign up. I go through the whole checking out process, add my coupon code and BOOM! My registration fee just dropped from $85 to $70. I couldn't resist. What if my coupon code doesn't work tomorrow? Or over the next 7 days? My shopping cart is ready to go.... I know I really want to do it.... I already have my hotel room booked.... I think I need to do some serious soul searching before I commit to this. Perhaps I need to talk to God a little bit about it? I take a few minutes to see what the big guy says :-) I tell him I'm worried that other issues in my life will effect my training/motivation. I want to be able to go on and train regardless of what goes right or wrong in my personal life. The next thing I know I CLICK the button and I'm signed up and recieve a confirmation email.
So all you fellow-bloggers please remember me in your prayers..... it's going to be a long road getting there. I am excited, scared and PUMPED :-)Above all, I want the entire thing to be a positive experience. I want the race to be fun and I want to thank God everyday for giving me the legs, feet, and mentality to get to the finish line. If I can just stay this motivated I'll be ok. However, I know the reality of it is, there will be good days and there will be bad days. There will be days when I'll question why I signed up. There will be good training runs and miserable training runs.
I got out today at lunch and ran 5 miles in 42:54 - 8:34 pace. I hope this compensates for some of the massive mounds of calories I am about to take in over the next few days. I've got to stop by the store on the way home and get something to fix for K's family Christmas breakfast in the morning. 9 hours till Christmas day! I love some Christmas! :-)
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/24/2007 02:20:00 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"I Got 5 On It!" :-)
Remember that song? haha... I used to love that song. I had no idea the entire song was about weed when I was a teenager and liked it so much. Innocence is bliss!
Ho Ho Ho!!!! Merry Christmas everyone! I love these last few days before Christmas!! To me, they are more exciting than Christmas day.
Today I got up and met the crew at the rec for 5 miles at 5am. The crew consisted of me and Michele! Guess everyone else had too much eggnog last night? :-) So, we took off down the greenway, to hwy 55 up to the main intersection, took a left at Eckerds, a right on Hills Chapel, a right on Oak Drive, a right on McArthur, a left at Walgreens onto 41, all the way down jail hill, back onto the greenway for a 48:50! Not exactly speedy.... but it was 5 miles on the books on Dec 20, 2007. Anything outside this time a year is a real accomplishment in my opinion!
I came home and for the first time in....... 13 months I got out my resistance band and did about 10 minutes of work on my arms, a few pushups and 30 lunges. I am afraid to do too many lunges because ... well... if you've ever done lunges and tried to run the next day, it hurts. Your legs feel like tree stumps. I used to be heavy into lunges - I'd do 2 laps around the track at the rec with 8lb weights in my hands. I have not done any toning in 13 months so I'm starting slow.
After my 10 minutes of toning I jumped in the shower, dried the hair and the next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed at 7:45. Oops... I laid back down and boy was that a GREAT little cat-nap! Much needed. I headed onto work. Had a great day. I enjoyed a peaceful lunch with my mom. There are not many things better in this life than sharing a lunch hour with your mom... or your sister! At least not for me. We had lunch at a local tea room.
I finished my day out at work, came home, bathed Hattie in some new "Ooh Lah Lah" pawberry scented shampoo. Now I'm cooking for Christmas at my aunt's on Saturday.... and feeling sleepy. It must be that vigorous toning workout I endured this morning ;-/ zzzzzzzzzzzz........zzzzzzzzzz..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/20/2007 08:06:00 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tis the season....
Well those 64 degree temps are gone. :-( Winter has set in and we are lucky if the high temp hits 50 all the sudden! This means 5am runs are in 30 degrees and under. Talk about lack of motivation! It's really hard for me to let Hattie out at 4:30am when the 25 degree wind chill slaps me in the face as I open the door.... and turn around and not crawl into my warm, cozy bed. I guess this is to be expected since we are 1 week from Christmas :-/
Saturday we got lucky and had some warmer weather than expected. I did a 5.2 mile run from the rec through town. This was supposed to be a 7 mile run and I felt great and have no doubt I coulda gone 7, but the temp was dropping (it was 14 degrees colder 46 min later) and a cold rain started hitting me at mile 2. I had on shorts and a t-shirt. But hey.... 5.2 miles is better than zero miles. I had a nice enjoyable run & it made me regain some much needed motivation.
It was too hard for me this morning though. I skipped. I was going to meet Lana at the rec for 8 miles. Unforseen circumstances rose to the occasion, therefore I did not get any sleep. The sleep I was enduring felt like.... half sleep. Or sleep in a dump truck going 80mph. So at 4:30, I think I was still half sleeping and knowing I hadn't taken in any food since lunch the day before... I didnt feel like 8 miles was a good thing for me. I did happen to meet her there last night for a bit of weight lifting and a swim attempt! Yep that's right folks.... I actually DID attempt to swim this time. It was not pretty. It was not as ugly as last time, but it was not pretty. I actually made it to the other end of the pool for the first time without stopping! I know that's pretty pathetic but I am completely intimidated by the water. I've never liked being under water... I feel like I am suffocating. I've got big issues. Almost everytime I come up for a breath of air, I get about 1/10th of the breath in only to realize I had water all in my throat and so BOOM! It stops my breath and decides to strangle me. DIDN'T TAKE! So there I am gasping and wheezing for air! And thinking "I need to go home. This sport is not for me."
Today at lunch I managed to slide in 4 miles - 36:29. I was proud of myself for getting out and not being lazy. So now.... it's reward time! I get to curl up on the couch in my pj's with a cup of starbucks hot chocolate that Mary Beth gave me for my birthday! Speaking of that... here are some pics from last Thursday.
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/18/2007 07:54:00 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
28 years gets ya 3 miles with Daddy! :-)
I turned 28 yesterday. I have mixed emotions about turning 28. We won't go there! :-) I called my dad Wed night and told him all I wanted for my birthday was for him to meet me and Lana, and the rest of the gang at the rec @ 5am for some running! He didn't sound too encouraging that he would be there. I was persistent. I want to run with my daddy! So around 4:45am yesterday morning, I get brave & I call him. He sounded very asleep.... which is normal :-) He didn't give me a straight answer as to whether he would show or not. Around 5:03am we see him creeping through the parking lot in his beloved Titans car :-) YES!!! He made it! We ran 3 miles and he kicked BUTT! How can he just bust out 3 miles with no training? Or has he been training in secret? We had a ball! I hope he comes again. That is the best birthday gift one could ever get! Thanks Daddy! I love you.
Me, Lana, & Mike ran almost 2.5 more miles and got DRENCHED in the rain. I have never ran in the rain that hard before. They informed me that it's good to practice in inclement weather because this could happen at CMM! haha.... that was a good one :-)
I drove home, jumped in the shower and got back in bed for about 30 min. Never could go back to sleep though. I headed to work and had lunch with Lana & K, finished the day out at work & went over to Mom and Dad's for an AMAZING dinner that she had cooked for me. They gave me a beautiful ring for my birthday! I love it & am so excited to have it!! My nephew colored me a special easter egg for my b-day and wrote our names on it. :-) LOL. Don't ya love precious innocent children!! It did go on my fridge as soon as I got home. K joined us later at my parents. He & I challenged each other to a mini RBI baseball tournament. He beat me. I am not sure how except that he stuck me with the really bad team & took my good team for the championship game. That's alright - I'm not giving up my nat'l league all stars next time.
Not sure exactly what the weekend has in store, but I hope it is a good one. I hope I get to exercise some, but we are expecting bad weather and I'm not a gym girl.
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/14/2007 03:46:00 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My Rocket City Hero - #112
Ok, I haven't been very bloggified lately... so I'm late on this post. We'll start with Saturday morning. My alarm went off at 5am and I met my parents at 5:30 for a trip to Huntsville to watch my sister, Lana compete against herself for a sub-4 hour marathon. Also running this race was Michele, David, Lisa, & Tom. Before the marathon started I wished Lana luck, the gun went off, the music started & all the sudden...... I feel emotional. Excited, scared, worried, pumped UP, and HAPPY :-) that I am there. That Lana (race particpant #112) is racing... shooting for her goal she has trained so hard for. Nothing I can do bout it now but pray & cross my fingers. So, we jump in my dad's truck & find the 6.2 mile marker. We stand & wait on our athletes. My dad (the flash) is on a mission to find Lana, his oldest daughter whom he could not be more proud of!
We spot her! I hear him say "Blue shirt blue shirt!!! That's her! There she is! Does Kathy see her? This is IT!" I look up the sidewalk to see my mom jumping and clapping for her. I walk out into the road to snap a pic with my phone & I get a big high-five from my sis, a big smile & she says "Feeling good! Feeling good!" (Whew! Thank God!) She is right on pace for a sub-4! Somehow I miss Michele & David?? We leave the 10K mark & wait at the 11 mile marker. This time I see Michele & David running beside Lana. She seems to not feel as well. I confirmed this when she told me she was off pace & only feeling "ok." I tried to encourage her and tell her not to worry about it & just enjoy the run. So off we go to mile 18 where my dad was prepared to make the transaction of 2 additional fuel belt bottles & I am to jump in to help push her through the last 8 miles. We wait...... we wait....... we keep waiting. David sees me on the sidewalk & informs me that Michele & Lana are both not feeling well & have dropped back. My heart is filled with sadness, but that is ok. We will make it! Finally we see Lana & Michele & neither of them are feeling well. You can see it in their eyes. They are dissappointed. They are sick too! I join in & we walk a little ways & when we get to mile 19 I can tell something isn't right with Lana. She turns pale, then begins to cringe. I knew it was coming. She tosses about 2 gallons of lemon-lime OS Endurance. Oh man..... it was a scene. When I was comfortable with the fact that she had completed her final woosh, I bend down and wrap my arms around her, tell her it's going to be ok, help her up & we begin to walk.
For most of the rest of the marathon I carried a bottle of water & a cup of gatorade. I tried to remind her to take small sips so her stomach isn't gushed with fluid. Her lower back was really hurting her bad & there were times when I was worried we needed to stop at medical. I was really glad to be with her.
We ended up walking/jogging to the finish. Even though she didn't meet her goal of sub-4, that girl is my hero.
I've never seen anyone fight so hard to finish anything in my life. Humidity was high, nerves were frigid, & OS Endurance didn't want to cooperate that day. Given the circumstances, I declare her a soldier! Sub 4 is in her future - no doubt. December 8, 2007 just wasn't the day. Congratulations Lana! Congratulations Michele! Congratulations David! Congratulations Lisa! You guys did awesome! Now... all of you just remember on April 26 (CMM) I'm going to need some support! I don't know what it feels like to run 26.2. I'm scared!!!
Lana and I found a real nice way to celebrate yesterday at lunch. It's pecan cobbler and MAN is it delicious! We declared it the best post-race food in the south. :-)
Monday night Bethany took me to Cracker Barrell to eat for my birthday, which is this week. Thanks girl! Had a great time as always!
Yesterday morning I met Lana, Mary Beth, Tim, & Lee at the rec center at 5am for 5 miles. Tomorrow, I plan to do the same & I'm thinking I want to trail run on Saturday.
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/12/2007 06:02:00 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
5 + 2 = 7(hike)
I feel like I'm washing my cold-gear everynight. After Tuesday's run I washed my cold gear. I ran in it yesterday and now I need to wash it again! I'm assuming I'll be washing it again Sunday night! Perhaps I should invest in another set? Hmmm... I don't know. Thursday at lunch I went out and did a 5 miler. 43:17 for a 8:39 pace. Now.... I had planned on floating. I am not sure how I got the 8:39 pace.... except I had a lot of crazy things on my mind + I remembered my IPOD!
This morning at 7am I ran 2 miles with K - including hills! Then I felt like I was hiking up a huge hill back to his house. We sorta took the back way and walked a hill full of dirt, leaves, rocks...... and 2 beautiful deer!! So, I'm calling it a brick! 2 mile run plus a hike!
Now the weekend begins..... TGIF! I'm going to watch the Rocket City Marathon tomorrow in Huntsville. I am very excited just to be in the atmosphere of a marathon again...... but not as excited as I am to see Lana reach her sub-4 goal that she has worked her butt off for.
Maybe I'll be so motivated, I'll come home and do a little bit of running myself! We'll see!
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/07/2007 04:50:00 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I'm Back! Sort of..... ;-)
I woke up Sunday morning feeling soft all over. Just like... my muscles are dwindling away because I haven't worked out in almost a week! I still didn't promise myself a thing though. I'm not feeling it. Monday morning I start getting this burning desire to get out and run. However, it was nasty outside. The winds were gusting up to 20mph and that burning desire suddenly started cooling off & the next thing I know... it wasn't hot anymore. Furthermore, it was gone :-/
Tuesday morning I'm getting ready for work. Still not so sure if I wanna take another stab at it. But I go ahead and pack my cold gear (I've decided from now on anything under 50 degrees calls for Cold Gear - I'd much rather be hot than cold.) By lunchtime, I think it's going to be a fine idea for me to go out and do a run, under one condition and one condition only. That I float. Slow... I don't want to go out there & feel like I'm dying... because guess what?! I won't come back. So I float out a nice 4 miler - 37:08 (9:17pace). YAY! I know it's just 4 miles... at a floating pace, but hey - it's 4 miles further than I had gone in a week. While I run, lyrics from Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" run through my head. I heart Tom Petty!! He is doing the halftime show for the superbowl this year. Can't wait! So my goal is to run AGAIN this week and probably still just float.
I'm excited because this weekend Lana, Michele, & Lisa are doing the Huntsville Rocket City marathon! I am making the trip for spectator/support purposes.
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/05/2007 04:43:00 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Visions of a tin roof in my crystal ball....

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
~ Albert Einstein
Posted by
Holly Jane
12/02/2007 04:25:00 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Gobbler Gallop + Christmas shopping + Family time = Great Weekend!
Thursday morning I messaged Lana & Michele at 7:30 to make sure the 10K/5K Thanksgiving day run (or as K refers to it - The Gobbler Gallop) was still on & they both responded back with a "YES," so I slid my cold-gear on, & headed to the rec center. It was misting rain & pretty darn cold! But it warmed up real fast when I pulled into the parking lot and saw about 15 cars! YAY! Running buddies :-) My daddy (The Flash) was there to lead the run & take pictures.
Lana & Michele
Lana & Michele finishing strong!
Group picture of some of us "Gobbler Gallopers!" :-)
So we took off down the greenway & the two groups split & I realized there were only 5 of us doing the 10K. Me, Lana, Michele, David, & Mike. When we got to the halfway mark I realized I wasn't doing all that hot. I felt like I was pushing it pretty good, but my time wasn't reflecting that. It appeared that I was running right around 9:30 miles. I expected much better? Oh well... it's Thanksgiving... at least I'm out here! I must have picked it up on the 2nd half because my finishing time was 54:40. 8:49 pace. I was pretty disappointed, but then I again I never get too torn up over stuff like that. I got a great workout & burned quite a few calories so I'm cool with it!
I came home, brewed some coffee, took a hot shower & got ready for the family Thanksgiving in Sherwood, TN! I got to see my cousins that I don't see much so that's always great. I got to see Megan, Laura, Sammy, Steve (from New Orleans), Stacey, Lisa & last but not least my sweet sweet grandmother "Ma." Here is a pic of me & Mom just after stuffing our faces.
So later that evening I came home & K came over & we got hungry around 9pm again! We headed to Crockets & shared a few brews & food. Friday I met K @ T's house & we met up with some more friends at Fast Jack's. I drank too much wine & we had to go home early :-/ Saturday was a slow, dreary day. I went to visit with my parents & Sat night K & I hit the boro for some big-time Christmas shopping! We finished up G's & his parents' gifts & then ate at Romano's Macaroni Grill. Sunday we went to church, then after church it was O'Charleys! Do ya think I ate enough this weekend? I haven't weighed since then for fear of the damage I've done! Sunday night I took the plunge & got my new running shoes. I know myself well enough to know needing new shoes woulda been a great excuse to keep my lazy butt from exercising this week.... so I did not allow that! "Self... you know you want to do a marathon. You know you need shoes to train. Buy the shoes & quit being a tight -@ss!"
Today I ran 4 miles at lunch. 35:37, 8:54 pace. It was cold! My hands got numb pretty fast - I do not think I dressed appropriately! Then I very reluctantly went to the dentist. I had prepared myself for a nice little root canal but got lucky and we're going to try just a filling for now. So when I got home I was in such a good mood I took Hattie for a 1.6 mile walk & boy did she LOVE it! :-)
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/27/2007 04:30:00 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Lana Tagged Me!
Rules:-- link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog-- share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird-- tag 2 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs-- let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I got kissed (more than once) by a boy at my first junior highschool dance & went along with it because he was a 9th grade football player. My parents found out and grounded me from all school dances until I got to highschool.
2. When I was a junior in college, I went on my first ski trip for a week to Steamboat Springs, CO with only one person out of about 40 that I knew. She was my roommate. We ended up making tons of friends, ski'd our @sses off, & got certified as CSBA! WhooooopEEEE! When we got back home, I dumped my boyfriend of 2 years & experienced the "real" side of college.
3. I started riding a road bike in March of 2007. I worked my way up to riding my first metric (Harpeth River Ride) just 3 months later & went onto complete my 2nd metric in October! Something I never found possible when I first started riding and just 15 miles was a huge challenge!
4. I love shopping by myself.
5. I hate dry skin.
I tag Bethany & See Joe Run, See Joe Swim!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/26/2007 09:20:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Blogger in town!
Today is a rest day for me. Tomorrow I am planning on participating in an unorganized/partially organized/ partially supported 10K run from the rec center. Lana, Michele and I were going to do a run in Nashville but things got too complicated and decided we'd run here for free. The great part is... we've got several peeps coming to join us! I'm looking forward to it. Now if we can just get the rain outta here!!!
I met Lana at Casa Mexico for lunch. Oh and guess what - good report at the eye doctor! I am allowed to try contacts again starting tomorrow for the first time in 6 weeks! YippEEEEEEEEE!!! She said my eyes look 98% better and I'm changing contact solutions. She's got me using Clear Care which is a peroxide based solution with no preservatives. You must leave your contacts in it for at least 6 hours in a specially designed case. Then rinse them with saline prior to putting them in. Ok, so that's more trouble than I'm used to. But if it will get me outta these glasses....... I'LL DO IT BABY!
My good friend, Bethany has created herself a blog! Bethany & Jeramy are expecting their FIRST baby in March! "Ce.......lebrate good time, COME ON!!" :-) If you have a chance, please welcome Bethany to bloggy-world!
Here is a pic of Bethany completing her first 5K race! Great run!
Oh... and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I can't WAIT to commune with sweet potatos for as long as I like! Yummmmmm!!!!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/21/2007 02:15:00 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
4 mile floater feels good!!
Beautiful weather (71 degrees in TN today!), lovely red, orange, & yellow leaves cascading down one at a time, nice breeze, and knowing in the back of my mind that in 48 hours I will be stuffing my face with all the sinful carbs & dessert a southern Thanksgiving has to offer!!! Those were the thoughts running through my head as I shared a slow, stress-free, run with my sister Lana today at lunch. I thoroughly enjoyed it, accept for a few stomach issues that set in around mile 2. We had not planned on running together but we were emailing each other at work & I get one from her that said she was about to go do her recovery run and this was about the time I was headed to change for a run also. So I call her and we decide to share the run! Good call! She didn't wear her garmin, but I did manage to start & stop my watch to see how long it would take. We did the 4 miles in 37:02 = 9:15 pace. I'm cool with that considering how easy it felt!
I found some Merrell running shoes in my closet that are really geared more towards trail running, but I gave them a shot today instead of running in my asics. I've probably only worn them 5 times, total! My hip hasn't hurt me yet, but I did a slow, short run so there could be a number of reasons why!
Oh! And guess what!!! I've been wanting a trainer for my road bike.... but I'm a bit of a....... hmm.... we'll just say I try to play it pretty conservative when it comes to spending money!! :-) I want to train on it this winter on some cross-training days so that I dont have to start over when it's warm enough to ride on the road. Well..... I shoulda known..... K was generous enough to get me the hookup on a bad-@ss trainer!! K has a "way" of always making sure my athletic needs are met. Whether it's surprising me with a new pair of SIDI road shoes in the Shoney's parking lot on a lunch break, or breaking out a sweet Polar heart-rate monitor 2 hours before our first half-marathon together, or actually finding me a road bike (free of charge) to ride for 3 months to see if I would enjoy cycling. So, Lana, & Michele, I'm looking forward to suffering on our trainers together very soon!!! :-)
I left work early today... not a lot going on, office is pretty empty & my stomach wasn't feeling so hot. It's so pretty outside today I'm craving to take my dog out for a walk and play a little with her! Check out this pic of Hattie!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/20/2007 04:04:00 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Time to retire the Asics...
Today I wanted to go long. I decided I would try for 10 miles. I actully got in bed at a decent hour - before 11pm and had a very calm, relaxing, non-eventful Friday night. I did, however, work late for the 5th out of the last 6 Fridays. That's getting old real fast! :-(
So, I woke up without the aid of an alarm around 7:15-ish. Had the urge to just "get it over with." So, I let Hattie (my cocker spaniel little girl) out and she takes care of her business while I fix myself a half piece of wheat toast w/peanut butter & honey for a little fuel. I gathered up my cold gear (42 degrees), fleece vest, gloves and ear warmer & dropped off a bottle of propel at the halfway mark of my route. I did two loops of 5. From the end of my subdivision, down Shed Rd, Right on Ragsdale Rd, Right on Bushy Branch and back to my house is precisely 5 big ones. So, off I go. I'm feeling pretty good on the first loop but right around mile 4 I'm noticing significant hip pain which has been a problem on almost every run since I ran a half marathon in September completely untrained and unstretched, etc... Not smart. I fight it off and finally get to the halfway mark, gulp down some propel, contemplate for about 4 seconds on going on back to my house since it was 1/10 of a mile from where I was and decided I'd better not think too long or I'd make that turn. First 5 miles completed in 45:50. So off I go on another lap determined that I'm going long today. Mile 7 and I'm feeling BAD. I have pain shooting from my left hip down through my left knee. We're talking.... lightning bolt pain! I suffer for about another half mile or so and finally cave in and allow myself 2 minutes to walk. I feel like such a failure when I do something like that. I take off again and at mile 8 I get a side stitch! Ugh.... this is turning into a disaster. So I let myself walk that off for 1 minute and that's IT! No more wimping out!!!! You're better than this Holly! So basically for the last mile I did the ol "Just run to that mailbox & don't think about the rest" plan. Point to point running just to get me there till I'm finally done. I walk for about 4 minutes to cool down. I stretch paying special attention to the left hip. It's hurting. I haven't bought new running shoes in almost a year. Typically I should get new ones every 6 months if not more than that. However, over the last year I've bought a house, did a huge-@ss upgrade on my system at work that consumed about half the weekends of my entire summer, and had other things such as laziness keep me from busting out the miles. I think it's definitely time to retire the asics though. I'm hoping this could be some of the problem with my hip???? Total time for 10 miles = 1:33:03 for a 9:18 pace.
I think I'll pop a few Aleve, stay off of it for a couple of days and buy new running shoes!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/17/2007 05:54:00 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Early 4 miles
Today I got up at 4:30 and met "the group" at the rec center for 4 miles @ 5am. I had originally planned to try swimming after the run until I realized it might not be a great idea considering the fact that my eye doctor has me out of contacts and only wearing glasses for... let's see.... I'm on my 5th week. Yeah, it started out being a viral infection & it seems I'm having a tough time shaking it. They were red again this morning... this could be due to lack of sleep. At any rate, I figured chlorine is not a good thing for the peepers at this point.
So, we took off around 5:10am through the greenway, out into town and back to the rec center for a 4 mile loop. I forgot to get the time or avg pace from the garmin owners of the group. They were in a rush to splash into the pool! This is the first time I've done an early run in a long time - I've been avoiding the cold & doing training runs at lunch when the sun is out!
So, next on the list? I'm thinking a longer run for Saturday. We shall see!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/15/2007 07:33:00 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Serious Consideration for CMM
For the past 2 weeks I have seriously considered taking the plunge and doing a full marathon. I really don't know exactly what has driven me to this point, except that it's something I've wanted to do for more than 2 years. So far, I've completed 2 half marathons. St Jude's Memphis half and the Murfreesoboro Middle half. I've watched my sister, Lana complete two full marathons and she is currently in training for her 3rd. Wow, I'm so impressed! My friend, Michele is also on her 3rd! These girls are going for a sub 4-hour this time around. I can't say I'm going for a specific time at all. My theory is if I cross the finish-line that will be a miracle! I wanted to do a really cool marathon in the late spring-time, to minimize below freezing training runs. However, the selection is not all that plentiful. The only one I could find was the San Diego Rock n Roll. That sounds like a blast. But I think I would be in San Diego by myself! So, I finally decided I'd go with the local event and simplify it. I'm doing Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN. Yep, that's right - April 26, 2007. I plan on using the famous FIRST training plan to get me there. Go ahead and kneel down on your knees and let the prayers begin!
So, we'll start with this week. Sunday I met Lana at the rec center for a 5 mile run. A nice, relaxing 5 miles. 9:34 pace. It was refreshing to have company on a run. For the last couple of months all my runs have been alone except for a select few. I'm getting tired of my IPOD songs. After the 5 mile run, I showered and our family all met at my parents house for 1 awesome dinner for my nephew Bo's birthday. Bo turns 6 tomorrow. Time flies.
Monday was rest. I firmly believe in rest days..... and honestly look forward to them! Today I skipped the rain and did a 6 mile run at lunch. 53:41 - 8:57 pace. Tomorrow is a rest day and Thursday I'm meeting Lana and Michele at the rec at 5am for a 4 mile run & another frigid attempt at a swim. Let's hope the lifeguards are good and awake! Swimming is my biggest challenge yet. Someday I'd like to think I could do a triathlon, but I've gotta get my boo-tay in the water and learn a stroke or two!
I'm looking forward to next week. Lana and I are wanting to hit the mountain bike trails again before work and our goal is to try and get in a weekly routine. This is great for cross training, not to mention just plain ol fun!
Posted by
Holly Jane
11/13/2007 09:16:00 PM